What I Have To Say

What I have to say is straight from the heart,
You may not have known it yet,
But i have loved you from the start,
From the moment our eyes first met,
I wanted to get to know you,
Please believe everything I say,
These feelings are so true,
I hope you feel the same way,
It’s time to make it official,
Let’s be together,
I don’t know how far we’ll go,
But I hope it last forever.

Hey There

Hey there little thing
The phone is about to ring
Only one voice will be heard
And that will be your king

For once I was smart
Couldn’t fail my part
I got you a special gift
Not messing with your heart

A movie just came out
I have no idea what it’s about
Maybe we should check tonight
Since the idea is not in doubt

I sound like a Backstreet boy
Good thing I’m full of joy
You were found in bed last night
With a professor named Roy..

Since We First Met

Since we first met,
i have never been or felt so happy,
I am complete but if you move,
half of me will be missing forever and ever,
unless you take me with you,
i hope we last forever,

Submitted by Jade Bammes
I dedicate this poem to the love of my life Johnathon Klinetome.

Love Is When

Love is when someone likes your ways,
and you like their ways too.

that person will always have a loved one.
and that loved ones always you,

its on the inside,
not how they look.

some people steel other’s heart’s
but its not always in a book.

Submitted By Shalanda Kindred

I Love The Way

I love the way you look at me with your eyes so bright and blue,
I love the way you kiss me you lips so soft and smooth,
I love the way you make me so happy and the way you show you care,
I love the way you say i love you and the way your always there,
I love the way you touch me always sending chills down my spine,
I love the way you are with me and glad the you are mine….

By Michelle

I Am Stuck

Here I am stuck, between someone I love,
and someone I lust it all seems so crazy it makes me wanna cus.

One day i love him and the next he makes me mad,
but there’s never one day when he makes me sad.
But thats what makes me love him, his smile and his swagg.
one day i know that he would make a wonderful dad.

Here I am stuck between someone i love an someone i lust,
we do have our times, our ups and our down sun always shining,
its funny because this one makes me smile.

He kisses and holds me just the way i like,
he bought me flowers which i dont even like……
lol its ok it was the thought that matters

Im stuck between somone i love and someone i lust
i dont know what to do i feel like i wanna cus,
I guess i’ll have to choose now which i really don’t wanna do
but what can i say i think this ones love is true.

By Nas Duncan

What Is Love?

What is love?

Do you know.
Is it something that you keep.
OR is it something you came through away at anytimes.
Do you love me.
Do i love you.
I don’t think so.
What is L-O-V-E?

By Hana

Star Crossed lovers we laid

Here I am a girl
A girl of little years
One seen small of the world
Many drastic fears

There was a day
Where I believed
I could live without a care
Fall in love
With whoever was there

Instead, my only love
Came from my hate
At my dress up party
A love blossomed within our eyes
Something more beautiful
Than you could see

Romeo, Romeo he was my all
But never the less,
His name made us fall
But in my eyes he was the best

What fate hath brought
Us to our doom?
Maybe it was wrong of us to assume
It probably hath been far too soon

Romeo as fair as you are,
There is nothing I can do
I’ve tried every trick
I don’t think I can be with you

You were never my enemy
it was in fact your name
If only things were different
Our outcome wouldn’t have been the same

I cared nothing for Paris,
It was only my mother and my father
They would not listen to my wish
I said it was you fair Romeo I would rather

When I heard you slain Tybalt
I wanted my nurse to tell me it was a lie
My beloved was at fault
That brought a tear to my eye

Fair Romeo Fair Romeo
What hath done thee?
I wish this was all just a dream
If only I could tell my father
It’s not as crazy as led to seem

I took a potion something
Quite strange a lover of death
I froze and lay down still
I looked like I was dead

I waited the long 40hrs
For my Romeo to come
My eyes half open I slowly woke
With my words I nearly choke

There he lay stiller than I
Not moving once or a bit
I wondered how I would like to die

I grabbed a knife
Upon my lovers body I looked
As sad as I felt I pushed it right in
Everything started to blur

I took in one last gasp
I beside my Romeo
As star-crossed lovers we paid
As star-crossed lovers we laid….

By Krisanar Chongvathanakij 2008 (c)


Love is like a roller coaster you have your good times and you have your bad.
the person that you you love shouldn’t shatter your heart into a million pieces
they should hold you in the hard times and kiss you in the good for love is for everyone even for fools.
love is a hell of a ride but to come back and see there face it all that matters..

I m not asking for anything im just asking that you love me and call me your baby girl.

By Laura A.

A Love Medley

How I love thee! Caretaker of my soul! Giver of hope and life! Master of ambition! How can I ever thank thee enough, for I know that possibility may be beyond reason. I bow to kiss thy feet. From there I look up, and ooooooooohhhhhhh I like what I see.

Snoop Doggy
I wantz to give you a squeez
Whilst on my kneezl
When I feelz ya hug,
It’s like an intoxicating drug.
I want to throwz a par-tay.
But I’z not gonna invite Mar-tay (her friend)
You givz light to my soul,
I lovez da wigglz when you bowl

Barry Manilow
She is the love that flows in the breeze,
When I see her, in my tracks I must freeze.
When she has that look in her eye,
There is a beauty that I cannot deny
She walks with the grace of a flying bird,
With a glance, she could stop a stampeding herd.

Ooohh, how you make me feel,
If I fall for you don’t blame me, it was a banana peel.
When I see you move that way when you dance,
I wish I could crawl all over you like a bunch of ants.
When I lick you, it’s like sweet sugar,
Hang on a second-I’ve gotta pick a booger.
You are such a hot little chick.
Just a second, now I’ve gotta flick.
Of your sensual voice, I love to be a hearer,
I think my boogy just landed on the mirror.

by Sandy Hatch (male)

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