A Love Medley

How I love thee! Caretaker of my soul! Giver of hope and life! Master of ambition! How can I ever thank thee enough, for I know that possibility may be beyond reason. I bow to kiss thy feet. From there I look up, and ooooooooohhhhhhh I like what I see.

Snoop Doggy
I wantz to give you a squeez
Whilst on my kneezl
When I feelz ya hug,
It’s like an intoxicating drug.
I want to throwz a par-tay.
But I’z not gonna invite Mar-tay (her friend)
You givz light to my soul,
I lovez da wigglz when you bowl

Barry Manilow
She is the love that flows in the breeze,
When I see her, in my tracks I must freeze.
When she has that look in her eye,
There is a beauty that I cannot deny
She walks with the grace of a flying bird,
With a glance, she could stop a stampeding herd.

Ooohh, how you make me feel,
If I fall for you don’t blame me, it was a banana peel.
When I see you move that way when you dance,
I wish I could crawl all over you like a bunch of ants.
When I lick you, it’s like sweet sugar,
Hang on a second-I’ve gotta pick a booger.
You are such a hot little chick.
Just a second, now I’ve gotta flick.
Of your sensual voice, I love to be a hearer,
I think my boogy just landed on the mirror.

by Sandy Hatch (male)

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